Zoku Quick Pop Maker Review

I have to admit — I am still a kid at heart! I can’t tell you how I lit up when I received the Zoku Quick Pop Maker to review. Remember when you were growing up and your Mom would make homemade popsicles ? I loved those — especially during the summer. Now, Zoku has taken that idea and made it even better. With the Zoku Quick Pop Maker, you don’t have to wait forever for the pops to freeze. You can make frozen pops in about 9 minutes — that’s quick enough to satisfy any kid ( or kid at heart!).
How Does this Work?
The Zoku has a hard-plastic base that is filled with the same kind of liquid that is found in the ice cream makers that you store in the freezer. When the Zoku is stored in the freezer, that liquid freezes super cold and it will then freeze the pops. The base has 3 individual wells so you can freeze three pops at a time. The base stays cold enough to freeze about three batches of pops . The Zoku comes complete with plastic popsicle sticks and a little tool that helps you remove the frozen pops from the machine ( it’s called a Super Tool ) and it works well.
What I Like About the Zoku Quick Pop Maker
There are several things that I really like about the Zoku Quick Pop Maker.
- It is quick and easy to use
- It is a fun activity to do with your kids or grand kids. Simple things like this make lasting memories
- You can make healthy snacks with this by using fruit juice
- There are endless possibilities of flavors and combinations for your quick pops
- The Quick Pop maker uses no electricity – just store it in your freezer until you are ready to use it
Where Can You Buy This Fun Item?
Williams Sonoma: Williams-Sonoma.com
Bed Bath and Beyond: BedBathandBeyond.com
Amazon: Amazon.com
It retails for around $ 49.00. You can check out additional information at their website: zokuhome.com . They also have a video so you can watch the Zoku Quick Pop Maker in action.
Note: I received a Zoku Quick Pop Maker to use for this review. No compensation was received. The opinions are my honest opinions.