A Century of Restaurants
A Century of Restaurants
Stories and Recipes from 100 of America’s Most Historic and Successful Restaurants
By: Rick Browne
Reviewed by: Nicole
Note: Andrews McMell Publishing, LLC graciously supplied me with one copy of A Century of Restaurants for review. No other compensation was received. The review in this post is honest and my own.
Gift Guide Age Recommendation: 16+
My husband and I love to travel to places with a rich history. It’s pretty awe inspiring to sit in a building where someone famous once sat, or eat a dish that was served over a hundred years go. We have really enjoyed reading A Century of Restaurants. It features 100 restaurants, each of which have been in existence for over 100 years. The oldest restaurant in this book opened in 1673 and the youngest in 1911.
TV personality Rick Browne took on a big challenge when he began the journey to create this cookbook. It took him 3 years, 2 months and 12 hours. He logged 46,066 miles by car and airplane. It had to have been very taxing. But, I am so happy that he finished the task.
Full of color photographs and stories, Browne takes the reader on a journey through America. The restaurants are alphabetized by the state in which they are located. You start in Alabama and end in Wyoming. But, if you have a certain state you are curious about, you can jump in wherever you like. There is even a map in the back of the book showing you the routes he took on his journey, so you can read the book in that order as well!
As great as reading about the history of American restaurants is, and it is fascinating, this is a cookbook at heart. I felt nostalgic when I picked my recipe to test. You see, I graduated from the University of Louisville. And, I haven’t had a Hot Brown since I left Kentucky many years ago. When I saw The Old Talbott Tavern from Bardstown, KY not only made the book, but also contributed their Old Hot Brown recipe I knew exactly what I was going to make!
I was not disappointed. Although I didn’t have individual large ramekins to cook the hot browns in, I was able to make the dish in a large casserole dish. My husband and I were immediately transported back to Kentucky. We spent the whole meal talking about our college adventures, bourbon, our wedding (in Louisville), and how much we can’t wait to go back to visit friends and some of our favorite restaurants in the world.
Who would like this gift?
A Century of Restaurants would be an excellent gift for cookbook lovers, history buffs, and anyone who has an interest in time tested recipes.
Where to Buy
With a list price of $40, A Century of Restaurants can be purchased at most major bookstores (many of which are having great sales on cookbooks this time of year!). Or, you can order a copy from Amazon!