Hickory Farms Features Vickies Baked Potato Bar Ideas
Looking for some baked potato bar ideas?
I recently posted baked potato bar ideas and how to bake the perfect baked potato. You can check out my post here: Perfect Baked Potatoes and a Baked Potato Bar. This is an easy way to entertain because your guests help themselves. The baked potato bar is great any time of year. It would be perfect at a BBQ on the patio or for a Super Bowl Party as suggested by Hickory Farms. It is fun to combine different options on the baked potato bar – depending on the season. Add piping hot chili as a topper in the cold winter months. Add fresh chopped tomatoes or green onions when the garden is busting with fresh vegetables. Hickory Farms suggested adding chopped summer sausage as a topper and I like that idea too. There are really countless options..just use your imagination for creative flavor combinations.
My recipe for the perfect baked potato is also easy. You can bake as many potatoes as your oven will hold! I love to add the sea salt or kosher salt to the outside of the potato skin before baking because it adds a nice salty flavor and some crunch to the potato. And, potatoes are loaded with nutrition!
Hickory Farms just featured our Make Life Special Baked Potato Bar ideas in their “Winning Super Bowl Party Foods” post. In addition to the toppings I suggested, they added their chopped summer sausage — what a great idea!
Check out the Hickory Farms post on Super Bowl Party Foods for some great entertaining ideas:
Hickory Farms Winning Super Bowl Party Foods
Thank you Hickory Farms for the great shout out!
Remember, “Let’s Make Life Special by sharing great food with our family and friends! Enjoy!”