Southern Sweet Tea
I hope you enjoy my sweet tea recipe….
” My Mom was Southern born and raised. When she fell in love with my Dad, she was transplanted to the Midwest, but she never lost her Southern accent or her Southern ways. She instilled her Southern heritage in me and I have tried to pass that on to my two daughters as well. I was lucky enough to have a home in Kentucky for 12 years and I proudly displayed a sign that said ‘ I wasn’t born in the South, but I got here as fast as I could !’. Southern Sweet Tea has been a staple at my house – I make it almost every day. I’ve had so many people ask me how to make it. It’s so easy and is perfect for all of your family meals.”

Southern Sweet Tea
In the South, they never ask you if you want sweet tea or unsweetened tea-- they only have one kind! Here is the recipe for Southern Sweet Tea.
- 2 Family size tea bags
- 1 scant cup of sugar ( yes, that's right!)
- Microwave about 1 1/2 cups of water for 5 minutes, or until boiling. OR, you can boil the water in a pan on the stove.
- Place 2 family size tea bags in the hot water and cover with a lid.
- Steep the tea bags in the hot water for 5 minutes. Remove the tea bags and discard.
- Place a metal spoon into a glass pitcher. ( this will help absorb the heat and protect your pitcher from cracking.)
- Put the sugar in the bottom of the pitcher. Pour the hot tea brew into the pitcher.
- Fill the pitcher with cool water.
- Serve over crushed ice.
- Garnish with lemon wedges if desired.

Microwave about 1 1/2 cups of water for 5 minutes, or until boiling. Remove from the microwave. Place 2 Family Size tea bags in the hot water and cover with a lid. Steep the tea bags in the hot water for 5 minutes.
Add the one cup of sugar to the pitcher. Also be sure to place a spoon in the pitcher before you pour in the hot steeped tea concentrate. This helps to absorb some of the heat and protects your pitcher from breaking. Pour the hot tea brew into the pitcher.
Fill the pitcher with cool water. Serve over crushed ice. Garnish with lemon wedges if desired. Enjoy!
To download the printable recipe with how-to photos, click here: Southern Sweet Tea