
“The Curious World of Wine” by Richard Vine, PhD

The Curious World of Wiine by Richard Vine, PhD is an entertaining and informative book about the little known facts, legends and lore about wine.  Whether your gift giving list includes casual wine drinkers or wine aficianados, this book will be a facinating gift.   It is out just in time for holiday gift giving ( Perigee:  November 6, 2012) $ 20.00.  I love trivia and wine and I found this book delightful.

For instance, do you know the history behind the clinking of the glasses in a toast?  Apparently the toast began as a deft move to exchange just a small splash of wine into each other’s  cup to ensure that neither was being poisoned !  Here is part of the synopsis from the back cover of the book:

The Curious World of Wine is a fascinating miscellany about the colorful characters, celebrated places, and quirkly events surrounding wine making.  Recounting wine tales that are by turns amusing, surprising, and occasionally a bit naughty…..The Curious World of Wine will keep any fan entertained and enlightened – from the most erudite connoisseur to Two Buck Chuck devotees.

This book is a fun read and will certainly give you some entertaining wine tales to share at your next gathering.

Thank you to Penguin Books for the sample copy I received for this review and the Holiday Gift Guide.  The opinions are honest and true.  I recevied no compensation for the review. 

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